Lafontaine Online

My grants overview

My grants overview

Quick-apply for a grant, see stats

Quick-apply for a grant, see stats

Application workflow

Application workflow

Lafontaine Online is a platform that enables government foundations to handle the entire application process over the internet, instead of back-and-forth mailing of hard copy documents. It allows companies, employees, and administrators to handle the paperwork online via an e-ID login. The platform supports the end-to-end process where anyone can log in and check what grants they are eligible for, calculate their premium, and submit an application with all the necessary paperwork. 

Lafontaine online, Belgian Foundations, employees in the Belgian workforce 

An e-ID login platform, that enables online handling of necessary paperwork for grants and premiums, providing applicants with instant feedback about their eligibility and application status. The system offer functionalities such as real time calculations and digital document transfer. It is customisable for different foundations in terms of front end styling as well as individual configuration.

The process of application for government grants, which was previously entirely manual and lacked transparency is now automated, easy to use, and provides instant feedback.